The Effects of Consuming Varying Amount of Protein and Leucine on Protein Synthesis

New Flavours

Protein synthesis has been one of the most talked about areas of sports nutrition over the last few years – specifically, how to maximally stimulate protein synthesis post-training. One of the main roles of protein post-training is to stimulate protein synthesis, and recent research has focussed on the important role leucine plays on stimulating the mTOR pathway. However, research on the optimal combination of protein and leucine has been limited.

A recent study was conducted looking at the effects of consuming varying amount of protein and leucine on protein synthesis.

The study

Rowlands et al (2014) analysed 3 different beverages and their effects on muscle protein synthesis following a high intensity cycle protocol. The beverages contained varying amounts of protein / leucine / carbohydrate / fat:

– Beverage 1 – 70g protein / 15g leucine / 180g carbohydrate / 30g fat
– Beverage 2 – 23g protein / 5g leucine / 180g carbohydrate / 30g fat
– Beverage 3 – 0g protein / 0g leucine / 274g carbohydrate / 30g fat

Research results

Results indicated that the group consuming 23g of protein with 5g of added leucine (beverage 2) had near maximal stimulation of muscle protein synthesis.

Tripling the amount of protein and added leucine (beverage 1) was shown to negligibly increase muscle protein synthesis stimulation (13 % ± 12%).

Therefore 23g of protein and 5g of leucine appears to be the most effective amount of leucine to consume to cause near maximal stimulation of muscle protein synthesis.

INFORMED WHEY™ after a workout

BULK POWDERS™ are constantly trying to keep up with the latest research to provide you with industry leading formulas and products that provide you with scientifically proven results. This research study highlights how our Pro Series™ product, INFORMED WHEY™, is at the forefront of nutritional research.

INFORMED WHEY™ contains 24.3g of protein per serving alongside 5g of leucine making it the most ideal post-workout shake; promoting muscle growth and recovery following exercise.


Rowlands et al (2014) Protein-Leucine Fed Dose Effects on Muscle Protein Synthesis after Endurance Exercise, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, July 2014

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